Legal Notice
This website is operated by INDUSTRIA DE DISEÑO TEXTIL, S.A. (INDITEX, S.A.), a Spanish company, whose registered business address is Avda. de la Diputación, Edificio Inditex, 15143 Arteixo (A Coruña), corporate tax code A-15075062, listed on the Companies Registry of A Coruña in Volume 964, General Section, Page 17, Sheet C-3342, Entry 1; its email address is (hereinafter, “INDITEX”). INDITEX is the parent company of a group of companies (hereinafter, the “INDITEX Group”).
The purpose of the Website is to enable users (the User(s)) to arrange an interview at a designated Zara Store or a virtual interview meeting, which shall be organized, in each case, by the relevant company of the INDITEX Group that operates the Zara Stores in the corresponding country.
INDITEX Group companies that operate the Zara Stores in the following countries are listed below:
Austria: Inditex Österreich GmbH
Slovenia: ITX S, trgovsko podjetje, d.o.o.
Czech Republic: INDITEX Česká republika, s.r.o.
Serbia: ITX RS d.o.o. BEOGRAD
Hungary: ITX Magyarország Kft
Croatia: ITX Hrvatska d.o.o. za trgovinu i usluge
Please bear in mind that this Legal Notice regulates the terms and conditions of this website only. For the terms and conditions that regulate the processing of your personal data in view of your decision to provide them to us in order to manage your recruitment process with us, you must refer to the Privacy Policy available at
Website Access and Usage
In order to access the website or virtual meetings, Users are required to: (i) have access to the network; (ii) pay the corresponding access and connection fees to the network provider for access thereto ; and (iii) have the necessary hardware and software in order to connect to the network.
In order to access the virtual meeting correctly, it may be necessary to download and install certain computer programs or other software. Such installation shall be at the Users’ expense, and INDITEX rejects assumption of all liability arising therefrom, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Guarantees and Liability
Unless the applicable law expressly requires otherwise, or there is an express indication to the contrary, INDITEX does not grant any express or implied undertaking, representation, warranty or guarantee, regarding the Website or the contents and services incorporated therein, including, but not limited to: (a) the uptime and continuity of the operation of the website and, in particular, although not exclusively, that Users may effectively use the Website, contents and services, and access the web pages included on the Website or those on which the services are provided; b) the Website standard of quality, interoperability and functionality, as well as the services and/or contents it incorporates; (c) the interruption, suspension or cancellation of access to the Website and to the contents and/or services it incorporates; (d) the adaptation of the Website for a specific purpose and the services and contents incorporated thereon; (e) the veracity, integrity, accuracy and/or updating of the contents, services, products, text, graphics, links or any other elements included on the Website, as well as the results that may be obtained from access and/or use of the Website or its Contents.
INDITEX expressly rejects all liability for: (i) any error or omission in the information contained on the Website, as well as any lack of veracity, accuracy, thoroughness, pertinence and/or updating of the contents; (ii) Any error or malfunction in the network, the connection, Users’ equipment or the access that could have an impact on the interview arranged (iii) any unauthorized access and alteration of the data stored and transmitted via the Website; (i) the presence of any viruses or other elements in the contents that could cause alterations to the computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in its computer system. Without limit to the foregoing, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, INDITEX gives no express or implied statement, representation or warranty of any kind regarding the veracity, accuracy, thoroughness, pertinence and/or updating of the contents and expressly rejects all liability for errors or omissions in the information contained on the Website.
Unless specifically expressed to the contrary by law, and solely to the extent of said imposition, INDITEX does not guarantee or assume any responsibility regarding access to and use of the Website. The contents of these clauses shall not exclude or limit liability of Users or INDITEX which may not be excluded pursuant to legislation in the place where Users are domiciled.
INDITEX’s Property
The Website, as well as the contents, services and other constituent elements therein, are owned or controlled by INDITEX, and are protected, without any limitation, by the intellectual and industrial property laws of the Kingdom of Spain and by any applicable international Treaties and Conventions. INDITEX is the exclusive owner of all intellectual, industrial and similar property rights of the Website. Likewise, INDITEX or any of the companies that make up the INDITEX Group reserve all rights over all contents, services or items of its property that are incorporated on the Website (“Property”).
Third party property
Users acknowledge and accept that they may find content and services on the Website that are owned by INDITEX or by third parties whose rights are protected by the applicable legislation on intellectual and industrial property, rights to exploit the commercial and advertising value of the image and other similar rights, as appropriate.
Website access and usage rights
INDITEX authorizes Users to access and browse the Website, use the services offered through the Website and view the content incorporated therein. Users are not authorized to copy, distribute, transmit, communicate, modify, alter, transform, assign or in any other way carry out activities that entail the commercial use of the Website, its pages, contents or items included thereon, either partially or totally, without the express written consent of the legitimate owner of the relevant exploitation rights over any of the above.
Reservation of rights
Users acknowledge that pursuant to these terms and conditions, INDITEX shall not assign or transfer to Users any rights over its Property or over any property of third parties. INDITEX only authorizes Users to access and use the same in accordance with these terms and conditions. INDITEX reserves all rights over the Property and accordingly shall not grant any license or authorization for use to Users over the Property other than those expressly stipulated in this clause.
Applicable Law and Competent Jurisdiction
Any matter that may arise from access to and/or use of the Website shall be understood to be regulated and interpreted in accordance with Spanish legislation without prejudice to more favourable provisions that may be applicable to Users by virtue of the law of their domicile.
If the Users’ domicile is outside Spain, INDITEX and the Users submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Courts in Spain. If you are entering into the contract as a consumer, this clause shall not affect your statutory rights in any way.